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Move Your Body Class (Custom)

Yoga (any style), pilates, tai chi, qui gong, I-Movement &/or Ecstatic Dance (one or in combination)

Pick a day & time below to schedule your first session. When a price is not listed, you will have options to choose from on a later page. To schedule an in-person session at our studio, select the local option under the Staff dropdown (if available).


"May all beings be happy, healthy and whole. May we each see the light, the truth of our connected nature, the unconditional love that is our glue, our infinite source and creator of all we are intended to become as we blossom, open like the lotus, as we transform like butterflies. May we each be fully aware of each moment of infinite opportunity, of each breath we are blessed to take in that moment, connecting us to the air we all receive and give, the love that keeps us alive, the love that lives on and on forever after every breath that ceases. May we each awake every day grateful and thankful for the opportunity to live and learn, to journey here, for this beautiful creation, this art, of which we are a unique and priceless part. Namaste." -Pamela, Thriving Lotus









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