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Informative Discovery & Consult Call

Reciprocal Learning Session: Intro to Holistic Therapy & Life Coaching Offerings

55 US dollars

Service Description

Are you ready to make your Well-Being your priority and live in Thriving Health, Happiness, Peace & Prosperity? Ready to Feel Fulfilled with more Peace & Vibrant Health? Dear Lotus, join me in living our lives with thriving fullness of being. In this call, I will introduce you to the Thriving Lotus® exclusive +Mind+Body+Spirit Health Modalities: Somatic & Inner Yoga-Holistic Therapy and Alive to Thrive Life Balance Coaching as well as go over the Specialty Programs we offer. Our coaches are trained and certified in a variety of areas that will support your best health & life. Somatic & Inner Yoga-Holistic Therapy is a comprehensive holistic therapy addressing root causes of mind-body-spirit imbalances & disease and is an amazing therapy for trauma & grief recovery, gaining greater self-awareness & discovery, life-balance & more. We are no longer able to offer free initial consult calls due to the value of our therapist/ coaches' time & limited availability. However, this session will be free if you put down a deposit on a package of at least 5 sessions, as this $55 will be credited as part of your package deposit. When you put down a deposit for a Therapy/ Coaching package of at least 6 sessions, you will receive our proprietary, comprehensive Alive to Thrive Well-Being Blueprint Assessment for FREE which will lay the foundation for you & your therapist/ coach to determine together your specific areas for improvement, your health & well-being desires & needs, and the length and "blueprint" make-up of your lifestyle transformation plan which you will ultimately create together as you journey together. Custom coaching areas we specialize in: overcoming hardships, trauma and grief support, recovery from unhealthy behaviors, heart intuitive mindfulness & intuitive-spiritual alignment, passionate living & purpose, relationships & meaningful connection, family life and parenting / co-parenting, creating healthy boundaries, ahimsa (non-harming) communication, physical & subtle body movement, full-being embodiment, spiritual awakening, transformation, mindset, manifestation, plant-focused nutrient dense living & more! If you desire specialty coaching, please submit a comment stating a specific coaching area you are most interested in so that we can match you with the right coach. Our specialty coaching packages include coaching in ANY and as-many of the Specialty Coaching areas you desire.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact us to cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

Contact Details

(804) 833-6691


"May all beings be happy, healthy and whole. May we each see the light, the truth of our connected nature, the unconditional love that is our glue, our infinite source and creator of all we are intended to become as we blossom, open like the lotus, as we transform like butterflies. May we each be fully aware of each moment of infinite opportunity, of each breath we are blessed to take in that moment, connecting us to the air we all receive and give, the love that keeps us alive, the love that lives on and on forever after every breath that ceases. May we each awake every day grateful and thankful for the opportunity to live and learn, to journey here, for this beautiful creation, this art, of which we are a unique and priceless part. Namaste." -Pamela, Thriving Lotus






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