Informative Discovery & Consult Call
Reciprocal Learning Session: Intro to Holistic Therapy & Life Coaching Offerings
Service Description
Are you ready to make your Well-Being your priority and live in Thriving Health, Happiness, Peace & Prosperity? Ready to Feel Fulfilled with more Peace & Vibrant Health? Dear Lotus, join me in living our lives with thriving fullness of being. In this call, I will introduce you to the Thriving Lotus® exclusive +Mind+Body+Spirit Health Modalities: Somatic & Inner Yoga-Holistic Therapy and Alive to Thrive Life Balance Coaching as well as go over the Specialty Programs we offer. Our coaches are trained and certified in a variety of areas that will support your best health & life. Somatic & Inner Yoga-Holistic Therapy is a comprehensive holistic therapy addressing root causes of mind-body-spirit imbalances & disease and is an amazing therapy for trauma & grief recovery, gaining greater self-awareness & discovery, life-balance & more. We are no longer able to offer free initial consult calls due to the value of our therapist/ coaches' time & limited availability. However, this session will be free if you put down a deposit on a package of at least 5 sessions, as this $55 will be credited as part of your package deposit. When you put down a deposit for a Therapy/ Coaching package of at least 6 sessions, you will receive our proprietary, comprehensive Alive to Thrive Well-Being Blueprint Assessment for FREE which will lay the foundation for you & your therapist/ coach to determine together your specific areas for improvement, your health & well-being desires & needs, and the length and "blueprint" make-up of your lifestyle transformation plan which you will ultimately create together as you journey together. Custom coaching areas we specialize in: overcoming hardships, trauma and grief support, recovery from unhealthy behaviors, heart intuitive mindfulness & intuitive-spiritual alignment, passionate living & purpose, relationships & meaningful connection, family life and parenting / co-parenting, creating healthy boundaries, ahimsa (non-harming) communication, physical & subtle body movement, full-being embodiment, spiritual awakening, transformation, mindset, manifestation, plant-focused nutrient dense living & more! If you desire specialty coaching, please submit a comment stating a specific coaching area you are most interested in so that we can match you with the right coach. Our specialty coaching packages include coaching in ANY and as-many of the Specialty Coaching areas you desire.

Cancellation Policy
Please contact us to cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Contact Details
(804) 833-6691